The annual European Activist's Conference in Brussels 2017 will take place from Friday evening 6th to Monday 9th of October.
Program: three days of discussions, networking, protest & meetings with activists & politicians on the subject: We say NO to surveillance, data retention and PNR and demand the respect of the fundamental rights in the digital environment.
Brainstorm session Society Vrijbit Title: Bulk interception European intelligence services - Brainstorm session about international inventory/cooperation at actions and court cases
Sat 7-10-2017 13.30-14.05 h Fair Trade room
Location: “Mundo B”, Rue d'Edimbourg 26. Mundo B Brussels.
FNF is a BarCamp / conference – there will be space for your spontaneous session as well as for pre-organised ones.
Freedom Not Fear Brussels is for free and you don't have to register – just come, join and participate! FNF Brussels is non-profit, non-commercial and organised by volunteers who are working for free. This is only possible if people help organising!
Communication/Contact/Press: The international AK Vorrat mailing list can be used to talk about everything that needs to be discussed concerning "Freedom Not Fear". The list is open to everyone, the list language is English. Please insert the tag [FNF] into the subject-line of any e-mail to make clear that its content belongs to this topic.
E-mail: Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.
FNF wouldn't work without all the organizations supporting! Thanks to all:
- AEDH - Association Européenne pour la défense des Droits de l’Homme (FR)
- AKVorrat – Working Group on Data Retention Austria (AT)
- Arbeitskreis Vorratsdatenspeicherung - German Working Group On Data Retention (DE)
- Arbeitskreis Zensur (DE)
- Arbeitskreis Zensus (DE)
- Big brother watching-team (BE)
- Bits of Freedom (NL)
- (BE)
- Digitale Gesellschaft (DE)
- EDRi - European Digital Rights (Europe)
- EFF - The Electronic Frontier Foundation (US)
- Digitalcourage
- Freedom Against Censorship Thailand - FACT (TH)
- Internationale Liga für Menschenrechte (DE)
- La Ligue des Droits de l'Homme (BE)
- Liga voor Mensenrechten (BE)
- Metamorphosis (MK)
- NoPNR! (AT)
- Nurpa (BE)
- Open Rights Group (UK)
- Pirate Parties International (BE)
- SocietyVrijbit (NL)
- Vredesactie (BE)